GPS satellite navigation sometimes has a mind of its own in the Verdon… It might lead you onto uneven, unstable or unsurfaced roads.
It is better to follow our instructions :
- From Artignosc-sur-Verdon :
In the centre of Artignosc, follow signs to Saint-Laurent.
2 km after leaving Artignosc village, take the small road on your right, next to the beige “Les Chevaux du Verdon” sign, following signs to Grignolet.
Follow our signs for the next 1 km.
- From Saint-Laurent-du-Verdon :
In the centre of Saint-Laurent, follow signs for Artignosc.
2 km after leaving Saint-Laurent, go over the bridge that crosses the Verdon.
300 metres after the bridge, take the small road on your left, next to the beige “Les Chevaux du Verdon” sign, following signs to Grignolet.
Follow our signs for the next 1 km.
Consult our route plans below by selecting your departure point.